Sunday, October 27, 2019

I Used to be a Democrat

At eighteen politics was the last thing on my mind. I was at the time already dedicated to a life of preaching the Gospel. I was excited about high school graduation, and all that comes with it. Although sketchy I had a plan in mind, and was only concerned about how those in my life fit in the plan. I certainly couldn't have cared less about the government. At the time it had little effect on my life, or at least I thought. I did well in history class only to spite a teacher I absolutely despised. I had no real interest in it. Civics was just useless information to me. I mention it simply because later it becomes part of the evolution of my thoughts and opinions.
Somewhere around March 1983 a black preacher came by the house, He was running for city commission and registering people to vote. Delighted to meet up with another preacher in the community, I gave Him my full attention. He didn't awaken any sleeping giants. There was no real passion, but He did convince me that it was my obligation as a citizen to take part in the election of our leaders. I registered as a Democrat, and I think it actually broke my fathers heart. He was a Republican of the most die hard kind. He said many times that he would have voted for Nixon again even after Watergate. I had been sold that bill of goods that a lot of you had been told. Most of the local races were decided in the primaries, and unless I was a Democrat there were many elections I really wouldn't have a say in. The election for sheriff was decided in the primary, so there would only be one name come the November election. I suppose that in practicality that was true, and still is in many counties, but looking back was not a good reason. The fact is I didn't know what I believed. Due to Godly influences of my pastor and some others I did automatically lean conservative. The first presidential election I was old enough to vote in was Ronald Reagan's second term, and I voted for Him. A very liberal member of my family used to take great delight is saying, “Your the poorest damn republican I've ever met.” He didn't care how many babies were aborted or what evil was perpetrated. The democrats were the party of the people, and they were going to put more money in his pocket.
In 1984 I met a great History professor named Jerry Hopkins. Dr. Hopkins loved the Lord, but He also just loved learning. He instilled a thirst for knowledge in His students. He didn't lecture and spout off facts and dates simply to get you past a test. He pulled you into the narrative. He didn't just want you to know what happened and when in history, He wanted you to understand the impact and implications of the events. I was wide eyed and bewildered when I heard Him say, “When FDR signed the new deal He created an uncontrollable monster.” I must admit I had to chew on that one a while. On the surface it flew in the face of where I came from. My dad turned sixty years old just two months after I was born and retired when I was very young. Along with his pension I was literally raised on Social Security.
It was around this time that I began to understand some fundamental principles. The first of which was simple. Some of the most horrible things in life come to us in the form of really good ideas. In these eighty-six years we have come from Social Security to Socialism. The welfare program is now the welfare state. Obama care was a really good idea in theory. No matter what your political persuasion it sounds like a great thing to have full access for everyone to health care. A good idea but, sinister on the part of many leaders and naive for anyone else who believes that it will work. The first problem that nobody wanted to admit was that We can't afford it. The second principle is one which is somewhat crude but true none the less. My father said so many times, “If you want it screwed it up, let the government run it.” The fact is that the less government does the better our lives are. On so many levels I am ultra-conservative, but admittedly I have a lot of libertarian leanings. If it were actually possible to maintain the technological advancements we have achieved and still have the government we began this nation with, it would be great. I do realize that this would be unrealistic, and there in is the premise of my conservatism. If the government must be involved then we must do it as wisely and UN-intrusively as possible. The third and most important principle is that for believers, everything must be viewed from a Christian perspective. Abortionists come to us using the wonderful phrase, “freedom of choice.” Man, that sounds so good. Jesus when offering us salvation even gave us freedom of choice. Who could possibly be against choice. The Christian perspective though looks so much deeper. God himself is the creator of life, and He is the only master of life and death. Taking another human life for any reason other than defense, of self, family, property, and country is inherently wrong.
While the evolution of faith and belief continued I still continued to carry that democrat label. I'm not sure at this point why other than apathy and procrastination in decision making. I have never voted for any democrat of consequence. I would have happily done so if there had ever been any with any moral value. In the early part of the new millennium I had moved to a new county within the state. I was standing in the county clerks office changing all the necessities and she asked me if I needed to register to vote. There on the spur of the moment I decided to change parties. I had never made a good democrat and Bill Clinton had actually made me embarrassed to identify with them. So I just became what I already was.
At this point I still was somewhat apathetic. I wasn't actively involved. After all politics and religion don't mix. At least that was the deceptive bill of goods we were sold. I voted as I felt the Spirit of God would lead, and offer opinions in friendly conversations. I was issue driven, but oddly enough still not political. The marriage between Politics and religion for me began, when I watched for eight years as Barack Obama tried to completely destroy this nation. I was raised most of my life in predominately black neighborhoods so I understand racism better than many. I can say definitively that We had almost eradicated it as much as humans could ever do. When Barack Obama came along He destroyed all the work that had been accomplished and driven us farther apart than when I was a child. He tried His best to destroy Christianity, in favor of Islam. With the rise of Donald Trump we were allowed to truly see how absolutely evil, and corrupt the democratic party really is. I am no longer a Republican simply because it's not Democrat. Now I am a Republican from a perspective of pride in a nation that afforded me the freedom to say these very things. I am not a Republican, for lack of a better choice, but from a perspective of shear survival. Today's Democrats all have one thing in common. They would all, if given the chance, take away our first, second, and fourth amendment rights. The time to choose whom we will serve, has come. You can support, abortion, gay rights, infanticide, guilt by accusation, and government corruption, or you can follow God. You can continue to believe the lies or you can pray, think for yourself, and allow God to show you the truth. Make no mistake, we are no longer in a battle of Republican and Democrat. We are in a spiritual war of good versus evil. Grandma used to say, “your known by the company you keep.” So the question is, what do you want to be known as?

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