Sunday, March 23, 2014

Actually, The Scripture Doesn't teach That #3 "Mansions in Heaven"

“I’ve got a mansion just over the hilltop, in that bright land where we’ll never grow old….” Chances are you have sung this hymn before, or at least heard it. Preachers preach of a mansion Jesus is preparing for us in Heaven. It makes for exciting preaching, and hey, who wouldn’t want one, right? The problem is that Scripture doesn’t teach the concept of mansions in Heaven. The misconception is from Jesus’ famous leaving speech in John chapter 14. “Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. You believe in God, believe also in Me. In my father’s house are many mansions, if it were not so I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you…..” You probably remember the rest by heart. It is truly one of the most comforting beautiful passages in Scripture. I myself have used this very passage in too many funerals to count.

The King James rendering of this passage has led many to a wrong interpretation of the passage and a false concept of Heaven in general. We first must understand the language with which we are dealing. 1611 old English is very archaic and can be difficult to understand; it’s the language of Shakespeare. For those who are already jumping up in anger that I would be denying accuracy and inerrancy of scripture, let me say that, in 1611 an in 1611 English, the passage is completely accurate. We are tripped up though when we do not recognize changes in language word meanings. In 1611 the term mansion simply meant a dwelling place. It is where we derive our word manor. It is a far cry from what we now consider a mansion, like Trump, or one of the Hollywood stars, or a world leader would live in. It well could have been a one room apartment on the cheap side of town. This is why most all of the modern translations of Scripture have replaced “mansions” with rooms or abiding places. I certainly would ascribe to the idea that heaven will be beautiful, likened unto living in a mansion.

Allow me to further blow your mind when I tell you that Scripture never suggests that we will live eternally in the place above the clouds that we envision as heaven, hanging out with the angels. Micah in chapter 4 talks about our future home as a place where every man has his own vineyard, there is no more war, etc. but does leave the impression that we are here on earth. In Revelation 21:1 and following we are given the explicit description of the abode. Yes friend there certainly is a Heaven up there where our saved loved ones are. However, we all wait on our eternal home which are a new Heaven and a new earth, and we will go in and out of the new City Jerusalem which is the place Jesus is preparing.

So then, what is the message of John 14? It is never meant to be a description of heaven. It is the message of comfort, knowing this, there is plenty of room. To paraphrase, Jesus said I am going to prepare a place and there is plenty of room there. Would you like to know that when you die you can go to Heaven? There is plenty of room for you. Got a lost friend, family member, or loved one? Plead with them. Beg them, Witness to them. There is still plenty of room for them too.

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