Friday, May 17, 2013

Waiting For Christ's Return

While recent prophecies of doomsday have failed, the majority of the world continues to be fascinated by the idea of judgment day.  To these people, we simply use Jesus’ own words, when He said, “but of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, but My Father only.” (Matthew 24:36 NKJV)   What does all this mean? What is the true believer in Christ to make of all of it? I would not pretend to be a scholar on the apocalyptic literature of the Bible. In fact if anything I would tend to remain silent on most of it, having realized that most of the theories of Christ’s return have such inaccuracies that even our best and brightest have no clue what Jesus has prepared. I would much rather, look forward in anticipation, eagerly awaiting Him, however he chooses to make his appearance. The circumstances surrounding His return are in fact dealt with in Scripture, therefore we cannot ignore them.
    Jesus himself gives us the things to look forward to in the lead up to His ultimate return. Many scholars believe that Jesus will rapture, or call His saints out prior to what will be a great tribulation, while others have a different take on this. Having done extensive study on all these theories, there is one thing I am sure of. God has a lot of surprises in store for all of us. If I were to venture an opinion on the matter it would be something like this. While the world is in fact shaping up for the return of Christ, Things have not gotten bad enough just yet. If you go outside, around three or four in the morning and get away from all the lights, you will notice something amazing. The darkest part of the night comes just before the dawn. From a Spiritual perspective, things will get a lot darker. The one thing I am sure of is that if we keep our eyes on the Middle East we can see things preparing. Jesus’ disciples asked Him, “…when shall these things be? And what will be the sign of your coming…?” (Matthew24:3 NKJV) Jesus had sparked this question by His preaching not only on his second coming, but His warnings of the upcoming destruction of Israel. Jesus talked about many things: wars, famine, pestilence, earthquakes, and other things. At the end of the discourse He says that the end is not yet. In fact we as a people of the earth have suffered these things since the beginning of time. The one thing that we await is found in Matthew 24:15. He says specifically that we shall see the abomination of desolation, which further study reveals is the destruction of Jerusalem. We need only to listen to the news, and follow politics to realize that this is ever heading toward becoming reality. When one follows Jesus story in Matthew 24, it is after this event that Jesus return and the ultimate climax of the world begins.

     Regardless of the school of thought we subscribe to, it will be a horrific day. Those who have scoffed, laughed, and refused to believe, will face judgment. Those of us who believe will surely be ushered in to eternal glory, but without many that we love. Instead of stressing about dates and times, we should focus our efforts on those who are unprepared to meet Him when He comes.